lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2014

Our aging or our learning process ?

According to this information the older have more information and take longer to remember. I think our "learning model"  helps us to have a better life.

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Even we can learn by observing the everyday .

even today we find the most everyday things . They found  brain takes out the trash . The key: they have seen it at night with  a different light . Even we can learn by observing the everyday .

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

Charles Darwin had the imagination to see the species and explain their forms. This reflection from the observation shows us the power to ask what happens around us .

Global warming: an example of living without thinking

Living without thinking is what causes global warming. We think that industrial development had no cost but if I had it . The destruction of forests no longer absorbs the CO2 produced by industrialization and the price we pay today.

Sometimes the easiest thing is the hardest to do. know our limits.

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014

Sometimes in Colombia we deal with beauty contests, soccer games, celebrity gossip and so we call happy. Many times we do not analize the real problems of our society's lack of true education and opportunities created by corruption and violence. Is Colombia Happy?? I don´t believe....

Passion: the key of your work.

Finland education.

Don´t forget your past but don´t be enslaved for it.

A guy has  inspired by Van Gogh in order to create is interesting.

miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

Sometimes we believe knowledge is already defined, but sites like Khan academy, WolframAlpha, DuckDuckGo show us that if we give another approach we obtain new knowledge, a new way of seeing life and science. It´s interesting tool to calculate. and learning.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Do we speak English?

Although we believe that globalization is an economic and political phenomenon, globalization is the main cultural and communicative. In this globalization common languages depending on the time and place: Latin, French, English, Arabic. Currently the world's English is very important.

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

R&D startups.

this is the first moment with a new R&D group . The trigger is so simple How do you see technology in your life?? define  simple words.

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

A doubt-a passion - is the most powerful force for learning, Violence in Colombia has allowed Antanas Mockus or anonymous people develop initiatives to generate more equal society. Antanas Mockus tried to improve Education at Bogotá with "cultura ciudadana" policies.

sábado, 8 de noviembre de 2014

SENA´s training day

SENA Headquarters decided doing a survey about “tecnología textil”. One of the results is the apprentices´  lack of motivation for studying. So they talked with my boss in order to do a classical speech with students about selfmotivation. I had a chance  to do something different.
I have organized a PBL activity. The trigger was a fragment of  talkshow  “Laura en América,” , creating discussion and adapting metodology.
At the beginning they were so shy ( they are women and talks a lot…) but they went ahead. You can see pictures and videos.


Mi novio es un vago.

Llevo con mi novio 2 años y poco y bueno, al principio, como siempre todo es muy bonito y se permite todo, no se ven los defectos y miles de cosas más.

Lo que pasa es que ya me estoy cansando de que en invierno yo estudie y el haga como que estudia. En verano yo busco trabajo y trabajo, mientras que el siempre dice que va a echar curriculums pero nunca los echa al final..porque dice que con el futbol "no puede" trabajar porque está ocupado por la tarde.

Yo no se que hacer ya porque antepone el fútbol a todo. Y claro, yo se lo he dicho de todas las formas posibles.. Al principio me dice que si, que buscará trabajo, que estudiará. Y al final lo único que hace y que no faltaría jamás son a sus entrenamientos de fútbol todos los dias menos los miercoles y el partido del domingo.

En fín, Mis padres se están dando cuenta de todo y me están diciendo que es un pedazo de vago, que vaya vidorra que lleva. Que busque trabajo o que estudie...pero que haga algo. 

Se cree que está en el Madrid o algo xD porque para él el fútbol va antes que cualquier cosa...y encima ni cobra ni apenas juega. 

¿Qué solución puedo poner? He hablado con él pero siempre me dice que en septiembre estudiará...pero tengo miedo de que sean palabras solo otra vez... y pasar toda mi vida con alguien que no tiene voluntad ni para estudiar ni para trabajar y sí para darle patadas a una bola.... 

Me parece muy triste tener que contarlo aquí porque me da verguenza ajena, de verdad xD.

¿Qué haríais?

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

new browser: We can improve google.

Sometimes we believe knowledge is already defined, but sites like Khan academy, WolframAlpha, DuckDuckGo show us that if we give another approach we obtain new knowledge, a new way of seeing life and science. / we can improve google.. and more..

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

nini.. no study no job.. our problem.

Sometimes in Colombia we deal with beauty contests, soccer games, celebrity gossip and so we call happy. Many times we do not analize the real problems of our society's lack of true education and opportunities created by corruption and violence.
In our society we have young people who neither work nor study . why ? the issue is that the long term is causing poverty . how can education help in order avoid it?

viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014


Years ago I tried  to understand what it was wrong in my life, I suspected about myself  but I did not how,  so I started reading about psychology. Over time I realized it was the experience and living to improve, not reading about psychological tests, I started practicing  yoga&aikido  and my learning style is “doing things” now I see that not only “do things”  but think about  it. It saves a lot energy and  lets move faster.  It is the key of Aikido and any Learning process.

 You learn as you live,  It is a comprehensive process

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014

Licencia Creative Commons
Esta obra está bajo una Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional.
Years ago I tried  to understand what it was wrong in my life, I suspected about myself  but I did not how,  so I started reading about psychology. Over time I realized it was the experience and living to improve, not reading about psychological tests, I started practicing  yoga&aikido  and my learning style is “doing things” now I see that not only “do things”  but think about  it. It saves a lot energy and  lets move faster.  It is the key of Aikido and any Learning process.  

Me recuerda las pruebas PF16, donde preguntan 16 veces lo mismo- con palabras diferentes- y saber de alguna manera la personalidad, si se que es muy comportamental.. ( behavior)   pero fueron mis comienzos de autoconociminento, cuando ni pensaba en ser Instructor.